voltage sources, 1KVA up to 200KVA,In parallel up to 1MVA

The voltage sources GTS series are static constant voltage generators, the models cover the range from 1KVA up to 200KVA. Synchronizable for polyphase systems or parallelable up to 1000KVA. The GTS sources deliver very stable DC and AC voltages in all load conditions with output frequencies from DC to 2000Hz, providing sinusoidal or arbitrary waveforms. They can have up to two voltage scales with manual or automatic switching to suit the load conditions without penalizing the output power. Equipped with a modern and simple user interface combined with a large LCD display, they offer the possibility to make multiple applications. They are designed in 19″ built-in or table rack (low powers), in wheeled cabinet (medium powers) or cabinet, there are also available models with electronic and power separated for mounting on board. Ideal for laboratory applications, they play an important role in the final product test. Programmable via serial RS485 or RS232 cables, optional USB, LAN or optic fiber allows you to connect them directly to your PC for easy configuration via software. The analog input allows these sources to act as power amplifiers, while 8 programmable digital I/O ports allow these devices to be connected directly to automatic production lines


  • Power from 1000VA up to 300KVA
  • Output frequency DC – 2000Hz
  • In parallel up to 1MVA
  • Bandwidth > 2500Hz
  • Synchronizable for poliphases systems
  • Programmable start angle
  • Up to two scales for more accuracy and better power management
  • Output waveforms sinusoidal or arbitrary
  • Bidirectional optional with line regenerator
  • Amplifier use mode
  • Can be controlled from front panel, serial, inputs
  • Design table rack, built-in rack, cabinet, open frame
  • Accuracy better than 0.3%
  • THD lower than 0.2%
  • Timer sequencer from 1mS with 30 step
  • Erogation time measurement
  • Floating output
  • PC control software

Available on back-order

The voltage sources GTS series are static constant voltage generators, the models cover the range from 1KVA up to 200KVA. Synchronizable for polyphase systems or parallelable up to 1000KVA. The GTS sources deliver very stable DC and AC voltages in all load conditions with output frequencies from DC to 2000Hz, providing sinusoidal or arbitrary waveforms. They can have up to two voltage scales with manual or automatic switching to suit the load conditions without penalizing the output power. Equipped with a modern and simple user interface combined with a large LCD display, they offer the possibility to make multiple applications. They are designed in 19″ built-in or table rack (low powers), in wheeled cabinet (medium powers) or cabinet, there are also available models with electronic and power separated for mounting on board. Ideal for laboratory applications, they play an important role in the final product test. Programmable via serial RS485 or RS232 cables, optional USB, LAN or optic fiber allows you to connect them directly to your PC for easy configuration via software. The analog input allows these sources to act as power amplifiers, while 8 programmable digital I/O ports allow these devices to be connected directly to automatic production lines


ZENONE GTS Series DataSheet